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Pumps 70 And 90 CT without LV And with LV Double Bearing

2200842Pump 70 CT without Lock Valve Double Bearing
2200711 Pump 70 CT with Lock Valve Double Bearing
2202189 Pump 70 CT with Lock Valve Double Bearing BR
Flow rate70 cc/t4.3
Minimum size of tubing16×18 mm.62x.70″
Weight6.5 kg14.3 lbs
Volume660 cc40
Maximum Wheel diametre∅1 000 mm39 3/8″
Dimension Drawing for all models

2201455 Pumps 70 and 90 CT CAR Double BR

2200814Pump 90 CT without Lock Valve Double Bearing
2200832 Pump 90 CT with Lock Valve Double Bearing
2201455 Pump 90 CT with Lock Valve Double Bearing BR
Flow rate90 cc/t5.5
Minimum size of tubing16×18 mm.62x.70″
Weight6.1 kg13.5 lbs
Volume660 cc40
Maximum Wheel diametre∅1 000 mm39 3/8″
Dimension Drawing for all models